Hello TAA Members, Associates and Families,
I hope this finds you all happy, healthy and your business is booming!!
I’d like to thank each of you who attended the 64th Texas Auctioneers Association Convention and CONGRATULATE our new board members and Champions of each contest.
As I reflect on our annual convention, it’s interesting to me how everyone has reached this stage in their professional career. Each one of us has taken a different path to reach this chapter of our lives. Each of us have our stories of success, our stories of defeat, our stories of “lesson learned” and “never do that again” …. It’s EBB and FLOW…. The definition of Ebb and Flow is a recurrent or rhymical pattern of coming and going or decline and regrowth.
It’s interesting To think about decline, regrowth, what ultimately drives success and how that success is supported. All these components basically come down to three things: FAITH, FAMILY AND LOVE.
Faith- (def) Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone/something, or a strong belief in God. It’s difficult at times to have the confidence to trust in yourself to take the plunge…but JUST DO IT. Believe in yourself and Believe in your higher power. Worst case scenario you are told “NO” or “Not at This Time”, but if you never put yourself out there the answer is already NO. But…. what you have done by having that FAITH, is let your potential client know your attributes, showed your professionalism, and put your name on their list for when they do decide to go forward. KEEP THE FAITH
Family- (def) a group of people related to one another by blood or marriage or a group of related things. Whether it’s your Blood Family or your Family of Auction Professionals -This is your support system and your NETWORK…your GO TO when you need that extra push of confidence … your GO TO when you have been defeated and need a voice of encouragement ….and your GO TO when you are unsure of how to proceed. When you have the support of your family, friends and your TAA network the possibilities are endless. Remember, Iron sharpens Iron, and within our great association You have found YOUR TRIBE.
Love- (def) an intense feeling of deep affection or a like.
This pertains to the love for oneself as well as the love for this amazing profession and industry. I can personally attest to the passion and the drive that this industry and profession can invoke. Be patient with yourself…some fall in love with this profession overnight and are consumed with the fire… and others are more cautious and have reservations…it’s OK to take your time in developing yourself as an auction professional. So, FEAR NOT …You are right where you need to be with the TAA and our support system of auction professionals. So, wherever you are on your path, remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day…TRUST THE PROCESS, it works!
Believe in yourself, Thrive in your TAA Tribe, and Trust the Process.
I wish you ALL success & prosperity in the second half of 2021.