Officers and Directors

3rd Quarter President Update

Hello Texas Auctioneers! I hope this finds you and your auction business doing well. This summer has flown by. It seems like yesterday we were in College Station together. We received excellent feedback on the TCAP (Texas Certified Auction Professional) course. We appreciate those who attended the inaugural class. We hope you have been able... Continue reading

God Provides

This morning it was 7 degrees in Hillsboro. Our son David had 0 in Saint Louis and a friend near Joplin, MO had 2 below zero.  Many in south Texas had snow and ice. Through all this cold weather, God provides for us as well as livestock. For a newborn calf to be born and... Continue reading

Praise God for our Friends

We had another auctioneer who went to be with the Lord on May 1st, 2017. Our good friend, Bob Manning, was called home after a brief illness. Bob faithfully served the Fellowship of Christin Auctioneers International (FCAI), NAA, TAA, and was a strong supporter of the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, (TSRHC). Everyone enjoyed seeing Bob... Continue reading